Location - Barista
I was at a Barista, which is not very far from my place. 3 of us went over and ordered for all kinds of beverages, in all about 5 and all of different kinds. Ranging from plain old Americanos to very esoteric Mochas.
The reason we went ahead with our coffee binge has little to do with our love for the place and more to do with the fact that my bank gave me free vouchers to the place. All was not hunky-dory, there was one issue to be addressed. Which was, the vouchers had expired...
I handed the vouchers to the steward while I asked for the bill. He took them and walked off, I was almost certain he will get back with the dates. I was working on possible lines to use.
My hunch was right and he did get back and said the obvious. I asked to take them anyway and he said the decision was out of his league and that I had to speak with the manager...
I walked over to the counter and spoke with the cashier, it was obvious that he was not the manager (his attire was the same as that of the stewards so it is reasonable to assume that he was not the manager). He was not the most congenial person around...
Me: Hello :)
Wannabe Manager: Yes...
Me: What is the issue with these voucher...
WM: These have expired 3 days ago... (stressing on '3 day' as if it were eternity)
Not the best of starts to a conversation, I had to either open him up or put him on wrong foot. The former was unlikely as he had a facial dis-figuration and my experience suggests that such people often misconstrue politeness as sympathy and cocoon themselves furthur. So, I took the latter approach, I told him that I was given the vouchers in another outlet as a token of appreciation for my extended loyalty.
Me: It is not like I bought these, I was given these by the XXX branch folks...
WM: Fine Sir, but if I take them I will have to pay from my pocket...
He addressed me as 'sir', I was obviously making progress...
Me: That is the last thing I want but you should appreciate the fact that I have been a Barista customer for long...
WM: I cannot use vouchers that have expired on the 11th for a bill that is generated on the 13th...
Me: My friend, I an unaware of your processes, the only thing I know is that these were vouchers were given to me by your folks and that you are dishonoring them...
At this point in time, another gentleman interjected the conversation. He, I was sure, was at least one above the person I was talking to. Reason, same as above, his uniform was different from others. He in most likelihood was the Manager.
Probable Manager: Yes Sir...
Me: My friend, we have an issue...
PM: I understand sir but if he accepts these vouchers he will have to pay form his pocket...
This person was very amicable so I had to make my move fast...
Me: My friend you folks are in the service industry, and in the services field customer satisfaction is the prime metric. You are risking a loyal customer for the sake a single transaction...
PM: Sir, please give me your mobile number, I will speak to the concerned folks and get back to you by tomorrow...
Smart move, but I was not one to fall for it. The only bargaining chip I had was the payment, once that was made the power would tilt in their favor.
Me: Boss, you know what, you keep the vouchers and take my number. Should the issue not get resolved let me know, I will come over and pay...
PM: No sir, I am giving you 90% guarantee that it will be in your favor just give me some time...
Me: See, you are anyway so sure, why do you not keep the voucher and let me know if things are not sorted out in my favor...
PM: (with a smile) Sir, 99% it will go in your favor, (paused for a while), please wait I will call right away...
He dials some number and speaks in a very formal and subdues tone.
Offers his hand to shake and sports a smile. I shake hands and close the deal...
Managed to get expired vouchers accepted, and how, by just ASKing and being a little persistent...
On my way out, I introduced myself to them and walked out on a good note...
I got what I wanted and also made 2 friends, not a bad deal, is it...
Not all escalations are for real...
Not all processes are followed in the word...
If you win only the deal and not the person, you have not won everything on offer...
Signing off...
Me and a friend walk in to the company store room (warehouse that houses stationery) at 10:00 in the morning...
On most other days this is something I do not even consider worth a thought, however today it is worth way more than a mere mention. Why, you ask. For 2 reasons, one, we had spent 26 hours in office and two, the weirdness of the item that we were looking for.
Me: Hello dada!
Store dude: Haa...
Friend: Do you have a paste?
Store dude: What!
Friend: A toothpaste...
Store dude: We only stock them during times of crisis...
We were about to walk off, suddenly I turn back and go:
Me: Dada, do something...
Store dude: Wait.
He looks straight in my eyes, picks the receiver, punches numbers and starts talking...
I did not understand most of what he said but I was happy that he was trying and in full earnest...
His conversation over the phone started on a placid note but by the end there a sense of persuasion in his voice...
He hangs up the phone, walks over to a corner and hands us 2 sachets of toothpaste and 2 fresh brushes...
Not sure if it was only because I asked but had I not asked there is no way he would have given me one...
So, ask and you shall get it...
Signing off...
“Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.”, says the Bible...
I could not agree more, most things that we miss out on are a direct result of our reluctance to ask, seek or knock them.
Over the last few months, I am being a social observer and looking for sample points to numerically prove the philosophy...
This series is an effort at articulate this exercise...
Signing off...