I walk up to a hand-rickshaw stand and declare my destination aloud, on my way to the gym, I was...
One of them walks up to me and dusts the seat for me to sit...
Not to be taken in by this strategy, I ask for the expected price (One of the better ways to close a deal is by giving a impression that the deal has actually been closed, while the negotiations are under way). X taka (X rupees is Bangla), he replies. Sounds reasonable, so I hop on...
I was exploring my mental paradise and suddenly a hoarse and unsure voice pulls me out of it...
'Will you be coming back?', he inquires.
I reply in the affirmative.
'By when?', he seemed to be making small talk.
'In an hour, maybe a little less, not sure.', I say noncommittally, I really did not know.
The amount of time I spend in the gym is purely a factor of how long my stamina holds up...
'Hour is too long, if you can come back in half hour, I can wait for you.', he offered.
Ever heard of a rickshaw guy waiting, not me, never did, this was a real first...
I knew there was no way I would get out so early, but the guy was being nice so I thought why refuse bluntly...
So I politely tried to change the topic...
Then he said something that caught me totally off guard.
'If you pay me waiting charges I will wait for an hour', he sounded slightly upity...
What, if I pay him waiting charges, sure I will, I bollocks will...
Here is a guy, who wants to sell me something that I do not even want and to worsen the bargain he wants me to pay a premium...
Is he not a nut at negotiating...
'How much would you charge?', My mind was made up but I played along...
'X for one way so 2X for both ways and X/2 or X depending on how long I wait', that was his offer...
On most days I jog back from the gym, so he wants me to spend 3X when I normally spend X and he is not even making it sound useful to me...
The customer is always willing to pay more not less, provided he sees value in what is being offered...
This gentleman neither demonstrated value nor sympathy, so obviously I did not take his offer...
Signing off...
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