Thursday, October 15, 2009


Today I won my fastest game to date against a a rated player, in all of 9 moves...

How did I do it, simple, I deployed a trap...

Which one, the Ruy Lopez Berlin Defense Trap...

Needless to say, I was playing black and my opponent opened with the king pawn and I mirrored his move...

Then he played the king-side knight and I lunged forward my queen-side knight...

He moved his bishop to the c4 square and I marched my d-pawn one square to defend my central-e pawn...

He castled and I rode my king-side knight forward...

He did the same with his queen-side knight and then trap line starts...

I throw the fishing pole in the form of my f-knight to the g4 square...

He tries to shoo it away with the h-pawn and falls right in the trap...

I play h2-h4, hoping that he would take the knight and I then I would get a chance to open up the file for my rook...

He resists the urge and moves his knight to the h-file, so as to attack my knight from another angle...

I move my queen on to the h-file and intensify the onslaught...

He chooses to take the knight and I wholeheartedly accept the pawn and thereby opening up the file...

He pushes the f-pawn in the hop of opening up an escape route for his king...

I block all routes by marching my g-pawn by one square...

Helplessly in a hopeless situation, he resigns...

Signing off...

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