Thursday, December 24, 2009

Targets for H1'10...

Before I go on to list down my targets for the first half of 2010, I want to revisit the targets that I set myself in 2009 and how I fared on those counts...

1 chess tournament -> Done
1 one week holiday -> Done
1 new language -> Partially, Bengali is a language, is it not
Read at least 12 books -> Done
1 half marathon -> Did a quarter marathon
Blog more frequently -> Hate to admit, but did not
Build 2X corpus -> Done
1 teaching workout -> Yes, but not in the conventional sense
Bullet Proof Manager, closure -> What can I say, no
Visit Shiridi -> Done

Here goes my list for the coming year:

A one week holiday,
Read atleast 24 books,
1 half marathon,
Blog more frequently,
Learn guitar,
Build a corpus (liquid + invested long term) of 6X.

Let the fun filled months begin...

Signing off...

Holding oneself back...

The primary reason, why most of us do not achieve our potential is because of the fear that we might end up looking stupid while trying...

Just let go and give it a go...

Signing off...

My first notebook